Green Pasta


I’ve been waiting to share this recipe for so long! My dear friend Naaman made a cooking video for this recipe!  The ingredients are on the video but here is a list:

  • Pasta
  • Spinach
  • Courgette
  • A couple cloves of Garlic
  • Black olives
  • Pine Nuts
  • Salt & Black Pepper
  • Olive Oil
  • Homemade Green Pesto

Following Jamie Oliver’s recipe, I made my homemade green pesto that you can find on Food Station!


Dressed Garlic Bread

I love visiting my family in Turkey! As I have always lived in a big family environment, every time I come home I would like to gather everyone at my house. This time, my auntie, uncle-in-law and cousins that I love to the bones have been staying at my house for 2 days so far. Since we are 9 people together and it has been snowing loads in Istanbul, we have been playing cards and watching films until super late. Both activities involve a lot of munching, so we need snacks but I don’t want them to eat a lot only because I love to cook different munchies and stuff everyday. Therefore I come up with the idea of a new garlic-bread recipe! I didn’t want to use white flour in order not to sabotage my dad’s diet, instead I used whole-wheat flour.


  • 1+1/2 cup of boiled water 
  • 1 pack of dry yeast 
  • 1 tsp sugar (divided)
  • 1 tsp salt 
  • 2 cups of whole-wheat flour (you might want to use white flour as well but not recommended!)


  • Fresh Basil 
  • Garlic (8-9 cloves)
  • Parmesan
  • Lemon Pepper seasoning (salt, black pepper, lemon salt, sugar, onion, garlic, lemon oil, celery seeds, wheat fiber — in case you can’t find it mixed here are the ingredients!)
  • Ground Chili Pepper (optional, if you like it spicy)
  • Mozzarella (optional, if you want it to be more pizza-like)

I would rather prepare the topping before the dough but it’s up to you! Shred fresh basil into small pieces. Grate 8-9 cloves of garlic and mix it with 1/2 cup of olive oil. (I used a tiny bit less because of my dad’s diet but it’s flexible). Now it’s time for the base! Stir boiled water, yeast and sugar and leave it around 5 mins for yeast to activate. Add flour and salt, then start kneading until it turns into a proper dough ball. You might want to add some baking powder but I personally don’t use it because I like it super-thin anyway. Cover the dough with kitchen towel (otherwise it would get dry quickly, you don’t want that) or put it in something with a lit and leave it for at least 30 mins. Some recipes that I have encountered  advice to make the dough and wait overnight but I used it fresh after 30 mins and it was completely alright. Next, roll out your dough with a rolling pin until it is thin enough for you. Place it into a baking tray. Spread garlic & olive oil mix equally with a brush onto the dough and sprinkle the lemon pepper seasoning (I love it, use it a lot! 🙂 ) Chuck it into the pre-heated oven (200C) for  approximately 15 mins. After it gets half-baked add grated parmesan, basil and some chili pepper if you’d like. Leave it for another 10-15 mins and it’s ready! 


Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms

This recipe is one of my own recipes that I first made a couple of months ago for Georgia, my best mate who loves mushrooms so much!

  • Portobello mushrooms (the biggest ones!)
  • Minced beef 
  • Onions
  • Olive oil
  • Cheddar cheese
  • Black pepper / salt
  • Tomato & basil sauce (you can either get the ready one from supermarkets or make your own!) 

First, chop the onions into small pieces and cook them with olive oil until tender. Then add the minced beef and cook them while stirring. Finally add the tomato & basil sauce and cook them all together until the beef is done. Add some salt and black pepper at some point -depending on how much you would like-. Next step is to stuff the mushrooms with your delicious minced beef, then sprinkle some grated cheddar on top and chuck them into the oven until your mushrooms are cooked. Serious yumminess! 

p.s. if you have it with mashed potato or pan fried vegetables, its even better!